Page 11 - CHINA WORLD No48十二月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   DECEMBER 2019 / 2019 年 12 月刊  11


                                                                      WINTER TONIC - PEKING DUCK

                                                                      AT SUMMER PALACE

           中国民间有“今年冬令进补,明年三春打虎”之说。意为在冬天储存足够的能量,                               There is a Chinese saying that “Traditional winter tonic
           来年开春才有旺盛的精力。                                                       for springtime tiger-slayers”. TCM holds that only by
           值此之际,夏宫严格甄选血统纯正、天然无污染的北京填鸭新鲜鸭坯作为原料,                                restoring sufficient energy in winter can a plant sprout
           为制作原汁原味、外焦里嫩的夏宫烤鸭奠定基础。同时,运用匠心传承 155 年                              vigorously in the spring.
           的传统挂炉烤鸭技艺配以枣木精心烤制,确保每一只新鲜出炉的夏宫烤鸭,都                                 On this annual occasion, the Peking duck served at
           能保持始终如一的高品质。由袁师傅精心调制的独家秘制酱料天然健康,不含                                 Summer Palace is prepared according to a 155-year-old
           防腐剂,仅有 45 天保质期,相信酱料的点缀,夏宫烤鸭定将成为一道不可不                               method that sees the ducks hung up to roast in an oven fired with
           尝的营养美味。正所谓“若非袁氏烤鸭美,不信人间有绝味”。                                       jujube wood, in order to ensure that the meat is tender and the skin is perfectly crisp.
           夏宫中餐厅的行政总厨陈坚师傅出生于素有粤菜美食之乡之称的香港,自小就                                 Along with the traditional accompaniments such as pancakes and sliced scallions and
           在色香味美的粤菜佳肴环境中耳濡目染,深谙其精髓,至今已经拥有 30 多年                               cucumber, the duck is served with Chef Yuan’s homemade Peking duck sauce. Chef
           的烹饪经验。                                                             Yuan’s sauce is a healthier take on the classic recipe and is free of preservatives, with a
           在夏宫推出烤鸭之际,陈师傅推出兼具粤菜和淮扬菜风味的鸭菜品系列,桂                                  shelf life of 45 days.
           花陈皮鸭腿、黑醋凤梨鸭、荔茸香酥鸭……单听菜名就足以让人垂涎三尺。                                  Summer Palace Executive Chef Kenny Chan was born in Hong Kong and has more than
           心动不如行动,全新夏宫正向您敞开怀抱,热忱欢迎热爱美食的食客前来一                                  30 years of experience in the kitchen, much of it focused on Cantonese cuisine.
           探究竟。                                                               In addition to Peking Duck, Chef Chan have created a series of duck dishes inspired by
                (86-10)  6505 2266-34  their respective Cantonese and Huaiyang cuisines, including Braised Duck Leg with Dried
           营业时间为上午 11:30 至下午 2:30 及下午 5:30 至晚上 10 点。                          Orange Peel and Osmanthus, Sautéed Duck with Black Vinegar and Pineapple, and
           Lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and dinner is served daily from 5:30 to 10 p.m.  Deep-Fried Duck with Taro.


              让人大快朵颐。赏味时间至 2019 年 12 月 31 日,六款口味供您选择,约上好友,

              In the name of one of the most popular food in the world, Pizza has been recently
              redefined by Lobby Lounge in China World Hotel. We ensure all the tentative elements:
              the selected fresh vegetables, top-grade fillings, crisp edges of the dough covered with
              the aroma of cheese and roast meat...Before 31 December 2019, come and enjoy six
              choices of pizza with your friends.
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