Page 13 - CHINA WORLD No48十二月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   DECEMBER 2019 / 2019 年 12 月刊  13

            北京中国大饭店美食店 全新开业



           北京,2019年11月1日——中国大饭店美食店自2012年在这里诞生以来,一段                            Beijing, 1 November 2019 —The successful story of The Sweet Spot has begun right here
           美食故事就此展开。此时此刻中国大饭店第四家美食店——美食店 在此地全                                 in 2012. And now the same place inspires the 4th shop - The Sweet Spot  opens with a
           新开幕,用一碗美馔温馨演绎健康轻食新风尚,续写美食新篇章。美食店 位                                 new concept focusing on healthy and delicious “bowl food”, continues to write a new
           于国贸商城地下一层美食廊中,两大名厨坐镇美食店 ,精挑细选应季新鲜食材,                               chapter of food. Located on the B1 level of China World Mall and serving a menu created
           融合中西厨艺之精髓,将健康营养、暖心暖意与美味鲜香浓缩在温情一碗中。                                 by two top chefs from China World Hotel, Beijing, The Sweet Spot  is set to become a
           美食店 由新加坡著名设计公司TAKENOUCHI WEBB倾情打造,装修风格清新                           new hotspot for health-conscious foodies.
           时尚,淡雅的白色和浅橘色交相辉映,木纹与石纹有机结合,既生动明快又充                                 The Sweet Spot  was designed by Singaporean interior design firm, Takenouchi Webb.
           满活力。餐厅毗连地铁交通要道与国贸中心商务区,十分便捷,无论是CBD商                                Boasting a bright, orange and white colour scheme, with modern wood and marble
           圈白领的商务用餐还是地铁沿线的朋友邀约,均是宾客的上佳之选。                                     interior, the store is close to major commercial and office developments, as well as situated
           中国大饭店饼房行政厨师长吴迪和餐厅主厨左阳两大名厨亲自坐镇,精选优质、                                on a good route to the subway.
           地道、新鲜的食材,于不同的用餐时段为宾客呈现暖心暖胃的一碗贴心美馔。                                 Leading the kitchen at The Sweet Spot  is China World Hotel, Beijing’s executive pastry
           全新开放式饮品台和厨房琳琅满目,五彩缤纷的蔬菜水果整齐排列,饮品师和                                 chef, Wu Di, and the service leader Zuo Yang. The two chefs have created a menu of
           驻店主厨根据食客的点单,现场制作饮品和菜品,看得见的新鲜,品得出的健康。                               currently trending “bowl food” that champions high quality and fresh ingredients.
           香脆可口的金枪鱼手抓饼,热气腾腾的三文鱼公仔面,喷香四溢的招牌鸡腿饭,                                A completely open kitchen allows diners to see exactly what is going into their food, with
           健康营养的牛排沙拉,外焦里嫩的烤笋鸡……一道道匠心菜品的背后,是主厨                                 meals and drinks made to order, using fresh ingredients. Signature dishes include Torn
           精心准备的一碗温情。                                                         Pancake with Tura, Warm Salmon Noodles, Signature Chicken Leg Rice, Healthy Steak
           各式美味陈列在窗明几净的展示台中,新鲜可见,随心而选。自助式服务和微                                 Salad and Roasted Spring Chicken. Each dish has been carefully designed to offer balanced
           信在线点单,快捷方便,让美味不用等。美食店 率先使用罐式包装,第一时                                 nutrition, without sacrificing flavour.
           间锁住食品的鲜味,将营养和健康带回家。美食店 所有美味可供堂食亦可尊                                 Self-service and the option to order from The Sweet Spot  via WeChat, make it very
           享外带,还可提供定制外送服务,只需一个电话,即可将定制美食送到指定地点,                               convenient for on-the-go office workers. The Sweet Spot  has
           助兴精彩时刻。                                                            also pioneered a unique canning method to
                SB1043 国贸商城地下一层, B1, China World Mall                         seal food, immediately locking
                (86-10) 6505 3316                                             in freshness and flavour. As a

           工作日的营业时间为早7点30分至晚9点30分,节假日的营业时间为早10点至晚                             result, all dishes are available
           9点30分。                                                             to take away, and The Sweet
           The Sweet Spot  is open from 7.30am to 9.30 p.m., Monday to Friday, and   Spot  also offers bespoke
           from 10 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. on weekends and public holidays.         catering and delivery services.
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