Page 3 - CHINA WORLD No80一二月新年合刊-FINAL
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                                                            ㅷ晥⸈煈 䛾餪倝狣

                                                     THE GREAT GIVEAWAY

                                                        OF APP COUPONS

                                㕂굥㷍劍ꢂ㢴㹻㉁㙹ㅷ晥㖈㕂館⚥䗱 APP㤀♳⠏䟃ⵚկ
                                妅鵓♴鲿 APP 䎇岤ⱃ⽰剣劼⠔佐蜦
                                Coupons abound on the China World Trade Center app during the festive
                                season. Download the CWTC app and sample:

                   〳用㹈 300 ⯋饰➿ꆄⵚ               ClicBot: 300 yuan coupon
                   妍僒㹻忘♰鵥涰                     EXQUISITE LIFE BY EUHOME: Spend 10,000 yuan, get 100 yuan back
                   倶⚸Ⱎ嶊餩忘 600 ⯋Ⲹ 100 ⯋         STENDERS: Spend 600 yuan, get 100 yuan back
                   餍랫霜20 ⴔꛦ㝕䕎⡤낉                PALAI SPA: 20-minute body-shaping experience
                   䊼랫⸣⠡忘⼪Ⲹ 200 ⯋               LAURENT FALCON: Spend 1,000 yuan, get 200 yuan back
                   唞梵䊼랫5 䫔ⶨ〄ⵚ                  FRANCK PROVOST: 50% off coupon
                   䝝䭷ꢂ嶊餩忘 200 ⯋Ⲹ 100 ⯋瘝 LADY YUE: Spend 200 yuan, get 100 yuan back on any order
                   绻餍⽓嶊餩忘 100 ⯋Ⲹ 100 ⯋         TRIBECA: Spend 100 yuan, get 100 yuan back
                   OLAFF85 䫔⿺幡峤⥂Ⱞ              OLAFF: Cleaning & maintenance 15% off coupons
                   KISMET1500 ⯋㣐爞⺫             KISMET: 1,500 yuan gift bag
                   gaga嶊餩〳䖤桪碛勵 1 ⟧             gaga: One corn bar with any order
                   く蘡♲⼪5 ⯋➿ꆄⵚ                  CHICHA San Chen: 5 yuan coupons
                   岙岙桾暵礵繠ワ鴝爞ㅷ                  POP MART: Exquisite gifts
                   ENOTECA⽀匉✈♧饐♧瘝              ENOTECA: Buy one, get two
                                                                Ⱘ⡤⢪欽錞ⴭ霫錛㕂館⚥䗱 APP

                                                                                   1 剢 6 傈荛 2 剢 5 傈⯋㹸蒜㹈梵䲀ⴀ邍䌄㹁ⵖ溫⸂ⴔ❧⚥
                                                                                   㕂갉⛙冁呸俒䨻⚿⸅⛼岁猖կ2 剢 6 傈荛 2 剢 14 傈蔄⾾
                                                                                   ⚿⸅蔄蒌尪륫寐⽂䋒邆껺麤⡤낉FALKEծH&K 瘝ㅷ晥䌄
                                                                                   勻䩛䊨 DIYկ
                                                                                   Check out our ongoing marketing campaigns at China World Mall
                                                                                   from January 6 to February 5 including the tailor-made experience
                                                                                   of Blancpain, a Chinese musical by Genelec and calligraphy by Xuan
                                                                                   Tong Wen Fang. Valentine’s Day celebrations will be held February 6-14
                                                                                   INCLUDINGÒAÒ¹ORAÒSALONÒBYÒ4OMACADO ÒANÒINCENSEÒCEREMONYÒBYÒ*."9 Ò
                                                                                   and DIY activities by Falke and H&K.
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