Page 3 - CHINA WORLD No64七月刊-FINAL
P. 3

CHINA WORLD   JULY 2021 / 2021 年 7 月刊  03

               CHIC 为变革而来

               CHIC LEADS THE CHANGE

           CHIC――中国国际服装服饰博览会(秋季)将于 2021
           年 8 月 25 日到 27 日在国家会展中心(上海)举办。作
           为亚洲最重要的时尚展会,CHIC 将集中展示时尚行业市
           CHIC - China International Fashion Fair (August Edition) will be
           held between 25. to 27. August, 2021, in National Exhibition
           and Convention Center (Shanghai). As the most important
           fashion fair in Asia, CHIC offers a condensed market overview
           to the whole fashion industry and numerous face-to-face
           business discussions on-site. China World Exhibitions is one of
           the organizers of this fair.
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