Page 8 - CHINA WORLD No62五月刊-FINAL
P. 8

CHINA WORLD   JUNE 2021 / 2021 年 6 月刊  08

                                        T9     北京首店


                                                     FIRST T9


                                                IN BEIJING

                 为什么是 T9? 9 是极致与圆满的象征,T9 希望用 Tea 这个古老的
                 生活,从一杯 T9 茶开始!
                     3L113 北区 一层 L1, North Zone
                 Why T9? 9 is a symbol of complete perfection. T9 wants to use the ancient
                 oriental leaf to explore more possibilities with you: a more exquisite and
                 beautiful, healthier and reduced life, starting with a cup of T9 tea!
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