Page 6 - CHINA WORLD No44八月刊-FINAL-
P. 6

CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2019 / 2019 年 8 月刊  06

                                     国贸商城的暑假,超值! SUMMER HOLIDAY AT THE MALL!

           悦指间美甲                                                                                    国贸溜冰场

           8 月 31 日前,国贸商城会员带宝宝到店可以免费涂                                                               9 月 6 日前(每周一开课),暑假班每期 450 元,共 5
           儿童专用甲油;4 款亲子定制款美甲超值优惠 (一                                                                 次课(每次课包括 30 分钟冰上教学及 60 分钟自行练
           大人和一小孩)398 元。                                                                            习时间)。报名级别分为 A 组(4-6 岁),B 组(7-16
                NB118 中区地下一层 , B1, Central Zone                                                     岁),C 组(16 岁以上)。
                (86-10) 6505 2250                                                                        NB211 中区地下二层 , B2, Central Zone
                3L308 北区三层 , L3, North Zone                                                              (86-10) 6505 5776
                                                        固瑞齿科                                        LE COOL ICE RINK: CLASSES OPEN
                (86-10) 8535 1880

                                                        9 月 30 日前,来固瑞齿科,价值 450 元儿童窝沟封闭
                                                        套餐仅需 100 元,套餐包含:初诊建档、口腔检查、                  Before September 6, the summer vacation training season
                                                        窝沟封闭 1 颗、口腔健康指导。价值 350 元儿童防龋                that includes five classes costs 450 yuan. There will be
                                                        涂氟套餐仅需99元,套餐包含:初诊建档、全口涂氟(氟                  classes every Monday. Each class is 90 minutes: 30 minutes'
                                                        化泡沫)、全面口腔检查、口腔健康指导。                         teaching and 60 minutes' practice. Coaches offer three
                                                            NB210 中区地下二层 , B2, Central Zone         groups: 4-6 year olds, B, 7-16 and 16 or older.
           CUTIES NAILS: BEAUTY BONUS                       (86-10) 6505 9431
           Before August 31, children can enjoy a nail beauty service  SDM DENTAL: KID'S PACKAGE

           free of charge if their parents are Mall members. There is   Before September 30, the 450 yuan package for children’s
           also a 398 yuan nail beauty service for both parent and   pit and fissure sealing treatment costs only 100 yuan. The
           child, with four styles available.           package includes: initial diagnosis and creating a file, pit and

           福楼啡凡                                         fissure sealing for a tooth and oral health guidance. The 350
                                                        yuan anti-tooth decay and fluoridation package will cost

           8 月 30 日前,成人携带儿童,每周末来店里消费满                   only 99 yuan and includes initial diagnosis and creating a file,   羲和雅苑烤鸭坊
           100 元以上赠送一份儿童套餐。                             fluoridation treatment for all teeth, a comprehensive oral
                                                                                                    8 月 31 日前,点羲和雅苑烤鸭坊儿童套餐赠送“张氏
                SB124A 南区地下一层 , B1, South Zone          examination and oral health guidance.
                                                                                                    狮子头”1 例。
                (86-10) 6505 9886                       蓝蛙                                          更多超值:8 月 31 日前,羲和雅苑烤鸭坊、羲和小馆
           CAFÉ FLO: FREE KID'S MEAL                    8 月 31 日前,每周末点任意 2 份成人主食,随行儿童               plus 、莲花空间及新加坡海鲜夏季儿童健康套餐,原
                                                                                                    价 28 元,优惠价 18.8 元。
           Before August 30, adults who come to the cafe with   赠送 1 份儿童餐(限 55 元以内)。                     SB127B 南区地下一层 , B1, South Zone
           children at the weekend and spend no less than 100 yuan      NL6005 北区六层 , L6, North Zone         (86-10) 6505 6927
                                                            (86-10) 8535 1186
           will receive a children’s meal free of charge.
                                                                                                    XIHE YAYUAN RESTAURANT:
                                                                                                    MEATBALL MOMENTS

                                                                                                    Before August 31, those
                                                                                                    ordering the children’s
                                                                                                    meal at the restaurant
                                                                                                    will receive the Zhang’s
                                                        BLUE FROG: BRING A KID                      Lion’s Head -- a large
                                                                                                    meatball -- for free.
                                                        Until August 31, those ordering any type of two-person   Before August 31, the (28 yuan-value) children’s set meal
                                                        staples at the weekend will receive a free children’s meal   costs only 18.8 yuan at the Singapore Seafood, Xihe
                                                        valued at 55 yuan.                          Yayuan Restaurant, Xihe plus and Lotus.

           博璨                                           BROZEIT: PIZZA TO PLEASE

           8 月 18 日前,每周日下午 15:30-16:30,博璨德国啤            Until August 18, the Brotzeit Bier Bar & Restaurant is
           酒餐厅举办披萨制作亲子课程。欢迎大朋友和小朋友                      offering a parent-child pizza class 3:30-4:30 pm every
           一起来参加。每期费用 98 元 / 人,限 8 名小朋友,家               Sunday at 98 yuan per child for up to eight children.
           长可免费陪同,需提前报名,电话 65056068。                    Accompanying parents attend for free. Please call 6505-
                NL7006 北区七层 , L7, North Zone            6068 for reservation.
                (86-10) 6505 6068
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