Page 3 - CHINA WORLD No44八月刊-FINAL-
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CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2019 / 2019 年 8 月刊  03

                                                                              巴利 : 至尊里程

                                                                              BALLY: MAGNIFICENT


                                                                              Bally 中国规模最大的精品店于国贸商城亮相,标志着百年瑞士奢侈品牌 Bally 对
                                                                              Bally 精品店共设两层,延续标志性设计美学,致力于为顾客打造高雅舒适的购物
                                                                              环境。针对男士顾客特别提供定制服务,打造专属定制鞋履。“Bally 北京国贸精
                                                                              品店的开幕,承载着品牌对中国市场的重视”,Bally 首席执行官 Nicolas Girotto
                                                                              表示,“Bally 很荣幸庆祝这一里程碑,我们致力与中国分享产品和传承,携手共
                                                                                  SL1025&2039 南区一至二层 , L1&L2, South Zone
                                                                                  (86-10) 6505 6428

                                                                              Bally, a 100-year-old luxury Swiss brand, has shown its confidence in the huge Chinese
                                                                              market by opening its largest boutique at the Mall. The two-floor Bally store is an elegant and
                                                                              comfortable shopping environment that offers made-to-order shoe services for men. Bally
                                                                              CEO Nicolas Girotto says,“Bally is honored to celebrate the milestone and we are committed
                                                                              to sharing products and experience with China and creating a better future together.”
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