Page 10 - CHINA WORLD No34 十月刊-0925
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CHINA WORLD   OCTOBER 2018 / 2018 年 10 月刊  10

           心赏新味  国贸大酒店红馆全新菜单



           北京国贸大酒店红馆中餐厅更换全新菜单,新菜单除了保留以往的经典菜品,                                 The Red Chamber at China World Summit Wing has introduced a brand new menu
           还推出了四十余道特色菜肴,为京城食客提供更加丰富健康的美食选择。                                   featuring more than 40 new dishes, as well as old favourites like Peking duck.
           新菜单依旧主打北方风味,厨师团队用心分析现代客人的饮食习惯与需求,加                                 Based on an extensive review of the dining habits and preferences of modern diners,
           入了更多绿色食材以及川菜菜品。呈现中餐多样魅力的同时,也满足老百姓对                                 The Red Chamber’s team of chefs have created a menu that incorporates more healthy
           吃的更“精”、更“养”要求。                                                     elements and Sichuan dishes, alongside the restaurant’s signature northern Chinese
           新增菜肴主推之一的老汤酱猪蹄,选用鲜香浓郁的老卤汤汁,将精心挑选的猪                                 cuisine.
           蹄先焖后浸,卤制 8 个小时制作完成,咸香酥软,富含蛋白质,还有健胃、顺                               New dishes such as pig’s trotters in soup are sure to tempt guests. The pig’s trotters are
           气、促进食欲之功能;金汤佛跳墙同样值得推荐,采用辽参鲍鱼、燕窝等 8 种                               braised in a spiced broth for eight hours until the meat is tender and falling off the bone.
           高档原料,佐以顶汤煨制而成,佛跳墙富含营养,可促进发育,美容,延缓衰老,                               The finished dish is rich, packed with protein. Similarly, luxurious Buddha Jumps Over
           增强免疫力,乃进补佳品。全新推出的来自故宫食品的宫廷点心拼盘,集合九                                 the Wall is highly nutritious, packed with over eight high-grade ingredients such as sea
           种老北京特色点心,将文化的源远流长尽收盘中,为食客不仅带来美味享受,                                 cumber, abalone, and bird’s nest that boost immunity and fight off the signs of ageing.
           而且带来地道的北京文化体验。                                                     Finally, diners can sample a taste of imperial cuisine with a platter of nine traditional Beijing
           红馆的北京果木挂炉烤鸭是食客们每到必点的招牌菜。红馆特邀香格里拉酒店                                 pastries produced in partnership with the Forbidden City Food.
           集团京菜行政总厨和烤鸭专家袁超英大师指导,为南北中外食客们献上酒店精                                 The Red Chamber’s classic date wood-roasted Peking duck is a menu highlight, sitting
           心研制的绝味烤鸭。红馆烤鸭严格遴选正宗、无污染的北京填鸭为原料,以传                                 comfortably alongside the new dishes. The cooking of the ducks is overseen by Mr. Yuan
           承 150 年挂炉烤鸭技艺,用特选枣木以独家技艺精心烤制而成。外酥里嫩,肥                              Chaoying, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts’ executive chef for Beijing cuisine and Peking
           而不腻,正所谓“若非袁氏烤鸭美,不信人间有绝味”。                                          duck expert. The ducks are roasted over date wood using a 150-year-old hanging roasted
           干烧冬笋鸭埔、黄秧白鲜鲍炖菊花豆腐、香酥樟茶鸭、黄花菇清汤炖海参……                                 method, producing crispy skin and tender meat that is rich but not greasy.
           更多惊艳新品,红馆倾情呈现。                                                     Delicious dishes such as braised duck breast with bamboo shoots, double-braised abalone
                (86-10) 8571 6459         bjcwsw  and baby cabbage with tofu chrysanthemum, crispy smoked duck, double-boiled sea
                                                                              cucumber soup with mushroom, and more are waiting for you at the Red Chamber.
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