Page 15 - CHINA WORLD No34 十月刊-0925
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CHINA WORLD   OCTOBER 2018 / 2018 年 10 月刊  15



                                   TRAINYARD X ADIDAS

                           FITNESS MEETS FASHION!

           9 月 9 日,新国贸饭店炼·工场携手阿迪达斯为宾客带来了一场别开生面的活动,                            We teamed up with sportswear giant adidas to kick off autumn in style with two
           adidas DANCE 创编人 Denson 和 SUPERMODELFIT 的创始人 + 超模 Masson 带         different workshops led by industry leaders and adidas ambassadors in the afternoon of
           领宾客在 3 层多功能厅一起能量爆破!                                                September 9 at Trainyard x adidas Energy, where fitness meets fashion.
           此次活动是炼·工场与知名运动品牌阿迪达斯联合举办,分为炫舞和型动两个模块。                              With a part-dance-part-show presentation, adidas Energy opened to Trainyard members.
           炫舞是由 adidas DANCE 创编者 Denson 带领, 利用一小时的课程学习三种不同                    The one-hour adidas DANCE workshop led by adidas DANCE creator Denson Wang was
           种类的舞步,每一种舞步都让宾客在汗流浃背的同时感受能量爆破的爽快。同时,                               a great chance to get sweaty and have a blast at the same time.  Participants learned
           宾客还欣赏了由 adidas DANCE 的团员们带来的激情四射的舞蹈表演。第二个模块                        three different dance routines and then watched the adidas ambassador and his crew
           型动是由 SUPERMODELFIT 的创始人 + 超模 Masson 主导,神秘嘉宾 Kiki Kang              take to the stage for a live performance. During the SUPERMODEL·FIT part, supermodel
           与 Masson 一起带领宾客学习如何像超模一样训练,如何在健身房内打造运动休                            Masson Ge, with mystery guest Kiki Kang, shared top tips on style for the perfect
           闲风,同时她们还亲自传授了超模凹造型的诀窍。                                             ‘athleisure’ look for the gym this season.  The pair also shared industry secrets on how to
           活动尾声,新国贸饭店还提供了美味的健康小食和软饮,帮助宾客恢复能量。                                 take better selfies and pose for pictures like a pro. We wrapped up the afternoon with
           如果你对新国贸饭店炼·工场的活动感兴趣,欢迎你随时加入我们这个拥有超赞                                beverages and healthy snacks.
           地理位置, 24 小时不间断营业,充满趣味的健身场所。                                        If you want to join us, get ready for another round of great membership deals at
           作为炼·工场的金卡会员,你可以享受超过 25 节的团体操课,包括高强度间隔训练、                           Trainyard, which opens 24 hours a day at a great location.
           动感单车、户外训练、拳击、瑜伽等等,当然还有器械区域和游泳池,而且你还                                Trainyard Gold members can enjoy 24-hour gym access, more than 25 group fitness
           可以享受酒店内所有食品、饮料 85 折优惠!                                             classes per week (including HIIT, spinning, bootcamp, boxing and yoga) and access to
           如果你想在炼·工场错峰出行,欢迎你选择非高峰金卡会员,在晚 10 点至次日下                             our swimming pool. Gold members also receive 15 percent off all food and beverage at
           午 5 点期间,享受金卡会员的所有福利!                                               the hotel.
           当然,你还可以选择炼·工场的银卡会员,在使用器械区域和游泳池的同时还可                                If you are an early bird or a night owl, you can participate our Birds & Owls Gold
           以享受店内餐饮 85 折优惠!                                                    membership, through which you can enjoy all Gold member benefits from 10 p.m. to 5
           只要你是我们的会员,你都可以参加炼·工场举办的活动,而且正式会员还可以                                p.m. the next day (no use between 5 and 10 p.m.)
           邀请一位非会员朋友一同参与我们的活动!加入炼·工场永远不会太迟,一起挥                                Silver members can also enjoy 24/7 access to the gym and swimming pool, and receive
           洒汗水吧!                                                              15 percent off all food and beverage at the hotel.
                                                                              Every Trainyard event is open
                                                                              to Trainyard members (plus
                                                                              one guest per member).
                                                                              Come and enjoy your fitness
                                                                              time with us.

           炼·工场 Trainyard

                北京市朝阳区建国门外大街 1 号 新国贸饭店 4-5 层
              No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District,
              Beijing, Hotel Jen Beijing, L4&L5
                (86 10) 6505 2277 – 7000
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