Page 9 - CHINA WORLD No33 九月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   SEPTEMBER 2018 / 2018 年 9 月刊  09

                                                                  北京国贸大酒店 中秋礼至 乐满乾坤
                                                                  CHINA WORLD SUMMIT WING, BEIJING

                                                                  OFFERS GLAMOROUS MOONCAKES

                                                                  IN STYLISH PACKAGING

           店推出 2018 月饼礼盒,造型意味深长,口味新奇迥异,为馈赠亲友、
           源,整幅画面体现了宫中中秋节的传统习俗:赏月、宴请群臣等活动。                                    China World Summit Wing, Beijing reinvents the art of tradition with a selection of
           画面中每个人的人物互动之间都有故事,既是中秋节传统民俗,也体现了中秋团聚                               glamorous mooncake gift boxes and hampers filled with new mooncake flavours and
           的情感。                                                               imported food items to celebrate this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival.
           北京国贸大酒店一如既往的坚持上乘工艺,精挑细作,选材新鲜。每款礼盒都将传                               The new mooncake collection is distinguished by fresh mooncakes made with carefully
           统本土和新式口味的月饼进行了巧妙的搭配。层酥相叠、甜咸适口的苏式月饼;酥                               selected ingredients under strict production processes. Guests will be able to enjoy the
           香可口、油而不腻的滇式月饼;皮薄馅足、配料讲究的广式月饼;清新爽口、风味                               pastries with much confidence on the quality.
           各异的果蔬月饼。满足不同群体的个性需求,更符合现代人对美食与时俱进的追求。                              This year, the hotel offers a selection of luxurious and elegant easy-to-carry gift boxes, perfect
           【玉月金辉】八枚入,含单黄白莲蓉、单黄红莲蓉、桃山皮奶酪蓝莓、苏式乌麻酥、                              as gifts for family, friends and business partners. The limited-edition mooncake box produced
           炭烧金沙奶黄,售价人民币 198 元。                                                by The Palace Museum Food is a highlight. Based on the Palace Museum painting collection,
           【镜花水月】九枚入,含单黄白莲蓉、单黄红莲蓉、云腿五仁、桃山皮柳丁核桃、                               the Forbidden City gift box vividly displays the scene of ancient people celebrating the Mid-
           潮式红豆沙酥、松露培根,售价人民币 218 元。                                           Autumn Festival at the palace: enjoying the moon, entertaining ministers and so on.
           【童趣礼盒】六枚入,含桃山皮巧克力、桃山皮蔓越莓、桃山皮奶酪蓝莓、桃山皮                               The innovation extends to the mooncake flavours. Guests can look forward to sampling
           奶酪木瓜、桃山皮凤梨、桃山皮香芒奶黄,售价人民币 228 元。                                    traditional flavours, such as White Lotus with Egg Yolk. For guests watching their diets, fruity
           【月色满堂】八枚入,含单黄白莲蓉、单黄红莲蓉、云腿五仁、木糖醇绿茶、滇式鲜花,                            flavours – including Mulberry, Blueberry, Purple Yam, Yunnan Flower and Mango – will not
           售价人民币 268 元。                                                       disappoint. The menu also includes savoury options, such as Yunnan Ham Rose.
           【八方喜悦】八枚入,含单广式蛋黄白莲蓉、川式香辣牛肉、晋式提浆五仁、台式                               The refreshing Momoyama Skin variety exclusively packed in Disney packaging will attract
           蛋黄酥、苏式椒盐乌麻酥、潮式花生香芋酥、京式自来红、滇式玫瑰云腿,售价人                               both old and young.
           民币 278 元。                                                          Guests may purchase three types of mooncake gift boxes containing six pieces – the
           【华彩映月】十二枚入,含单黄白莲蓉、单黄红莲蓉、滇式玫瑰云腿、炭烧卡布奇                               Superior gift box at CNY198 per box, Deluxe gift box at CNY218 per box and the Kid’s
           诺 Q 心、苏式龙井茶酥、桃山皮优格榴莲、红酒蔓越莓,售价人民币 308 元。                            gift box at CNY228 per box. For guests who want to indulge some more, the Moon Shine
           【花好月圆】九枚入,含单黄白莲蓉、单黄红莲蓉、桃山皮蓝莓、滇式玫瑰云腿、                               gift box contains eight mooncakes at CNY268 per box, the Premium gift box contains 12
           炭烧卡布奇诺 Q 心、苏式龙井茶酥,售价人民币 328 元。                                     mooncakes at CNY308 per box, the Summit gift box at CNY328 per box and the Eight
           【乐满乾坤】八枚入,含豆沙蛋黄酥、北海道牛奶冰沙、相思乳酪、蔓越莓沙冰、                               Election gift box with nine mooncakes is available at CNY278. A limited-edition Forbidden
           麻糍芙蓉酥、台式奶黄酥、潮式抹茶酥、潮式红豆酥,售价人民币 568 元。                               City gift box is priced at CNY568.
           北京国贸大酒店地下一层特设的中秋礼品专柜除了多款月饼礼盒之外,另有精心设                               Two luxurious festive hampers are also available for a more-elaborate gift option. The Jade
           计的翡翠礼篮和钻石礼篮可选,由进口红酒、进口橄榄油、鲍鱼面、香格里拉茶礼                               Hamper is priced at CNY1,588 and contains the Superior Mooncake gift box, along with
           盒等甄选好礼组合而成,售价人民币 1,588 元起。                                         gourmet treats, including a bottle of red wine, scallop noodles, a Shangri-La tea gift box,
                (86-10) 8571 6998          bjcwsw                             mixed nuts and imported olive oil.
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