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          China WorldAug 2018 2018   8月刊

             A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information   每月带给您中国国际贸易中心的最新讯息

                                                                       GOOD LIFE EVERYDAY


                 2018 年是中国改革开放四十周年的里程碑。作为改
                 于 1984 年正式签约。今年,国贸中心首次设立“国                   During the last 34 years,
                 贸日”,定于 8 月 30 日举办“同向同行,共创未来——                China World has built a better life every day and brought
                 纪念改革开放四十周年暨国贸中心成立三十四周年”                      new experiences to the people.
                 大会。                                          2018 marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. China World Trade Center,
                 8 月 24 日至 8 月 30 日,国贸中心各酒店、商城、               founded in 1984, represents a landmark in that reform process. Starting this year, 30th August is
                 写字楼、会展公司等部门都将推出丰富多彩的庆祝活                      designated China World Day.
                 动。例如,酒店丰富的套餐优惠计划、幸运抽奖、商                      On 30th August, a grand ceremony themed “TOGETHER WE BUILD A BETTER FUTURE” will celebrate
                 城的购物返礼与多倍积分、伍德甜品节、会展公司的                      the 40th anniversary of reform and the 34th anniversary of the founding of CWTC.
                 咖啡嘉年华……国贸每一天都在焕发着勃勃生机,为                      From 24th to 30th August, the hotels, mall, office buildings, and other divisions affiliated to China
                 人们带来美好生活的新体验。                                World will celebrate with promotions, lucky draws, discounts and coffee tasting.
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