Page 5 - CHINA WORLD No58十二月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   DECEMBER 2020 / 2020 年 12 月刊  05

           摩奈:至臻佳作                                                            Pauline Moynat, a visionary and the only woman trunk-maker in history, founded

                                                                              MOYNAT in 1849, and soon made the house the most Parisian among the French
           MOYNAT: A SOBER STYLE                                              leathergoods and trunk makers of her time. Her tenacity and entrepreneurial spirit has
                                                                              enabled her to open her first boutique at 1, Avenue de l'Opéra in 1869. The golden age
                                                                              of the House was during the beginning of the 20th century, when its famous Limousine
           WITH TIMELESS ELEGANCE                                             trunks took the shape of the first automobile on the road. The know-how of the

                                                                              craftsmen, sense of tradition combined with a modern vision had led the House to an
                                                                              unequalled reputation for excellence.

           法国皮具及旅行箱品牌 MOYNAT 摩奈创立于 1849 年的法国巴黎,以其不断                           MOYNAT creations are hand made by craftsmen in the workshops in Paris and also in
           创新的工艺及精神、对旅行箱包品质的不懈追求、卓越的服务意识而闻名。极                                 the centre of France. The House continues to focus on the highest standards of French
           富远见的品牌创始人 Pauline Moynat 女士是当时旅行箱制造商中唯一的女性,                        savoir-faire, with uncompromising standards for the most beautiful materials, from
           她的坚韧和进取精神使她于 1868 年的歌剧院大道 1 号开设了首家 MOYNAT                          conception to execution - creating some of the most unique pieces with a sober style
           摩奈精品店。20 世纪初,MOYNAT 摩奈因其著名的 Limousine 汽车旅行硬                        and timeless elegance.
           箱而开启了品牌的黄金时代,硬箱独特的弧形底部,可专门用以被安放在车                                  MOYNAT has unveiled a new boutique in Beijing China World Mall on 1st November
           顶。Pauline Moynat 女士以专业的工匠技艺,秉承传统与现代融合的观念令                          2020. The space features the House’s signature orange amber colours, a façade
           MOYNAT 摩奈收获无与伦比的声誉。                                                complete with transparent windows to give a sense of grandeur and the showcase
           MOYNAT 摩奈的皮具均由巴黎及法国中部工作室的专业工匠手工制成。品牌以                              in the center as inspired by the workbenches of the Parisian workshops. This new
           臻选材质和精妙色彩技艺创造出一件件优雅奢华的至臻作品,在保留品牌历史                                 boutique also features an exclusive salon to serve discerning clients who prefer a more
           传承的同时融合微妙的现代风格。                                                    personalised experience.
           11 月 1 日,MOYNAT 摩奈于北京国贸商城揭幕全新精品店,店铺选用品牌标                                SB118 南区 地下一层 B1, South Zone
           志性橘色为主色调,全透明橱窗设计简约大气。店铺中央的陈列柜以巴黎工坊                                      (86-10) 6505 4595
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