Page 4 - CHINA WORLD No35 十一月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   NOVEMBER 2018 / 2018 年 11 月刊  04

           GREYBOX      : 品味高级灰

           《That's Beijing》、《Time Out 上海》评为年度最佳精品咖啡的 GREYBOX 咖啡
           店即将落户国贸商城。甄选精品咖啡协会(SCA)评分 80 分以上咖啡豆新鲜烘焙,
           团队由 2017 年世界咖啡师大赛冠军 Dale Harris 担任培训和顾问,匠心制作每一
           持国贸写字楼员工卡或名片可享饮品、甜品 9 折优惠。
                NL4012 L4 北区四层 , North Zone, China World Mall
                (86-10) 137 6453 2085

                                                                              GREYBOX: AWARD-WINNING SPECIALTY COFFEE

                                                                              Greybox Coffee, awarded best specialty coffee by That’s Beijing and Timeout Shanghai,
                                                                              will open a cafe at the Mall. All the beans at Greybox are rated 80 out of 100 or higher
                                                                              on the Specialty Coffee Association grading scale – a system highly regarded by baristas
                                                                              and coffee connoisseurs around the world. Fresh Australian milk is imported weekly to
                                                                              pair up with the beans. World barista champion Dale Harris is a consultant to Greybox
                                                                              to help guarantee the highest quality coffee for every customer.
                                                                              China World Offices tenants with badges or business cards can enjoy 10% discounts on
                                                                              beverages and desserts.


           鱼水饺、鲅鱼水饺、三鲜砺虾水饺一年售出 8000 万个。
                NL4021 L4 北区四层 , North Zone, China World Mall
                (86-10) 8595 8759

                                                                              LAN   珠宝:皓月雨竹

                                                                              9 月 24 日中秋节,皓月当空,众星环绕。杨澜女士创办的高级定制珠宝品牌 LAN
                                                                              LAN 珠宝发布新品“雨·竹”系列:“春雨”代表希望、生机与活力,“竹”自
                                                                                  3L112 L1 北区一层 , North Zone, China World Mall
                                                                                  (86-10) 6530 7353
                                                                              LAN FINE JEWELRY OPENS NEW BOUTIQUE
           CHUANGE LAUNCHES FISH DUMPLING FIESTA                              Lan Fine Jewelry, founded by Lady Yang Lan, launched its new boutique at the

           Chuange opened a new restaurant at the Mall, proffering fresh seafood and fish   Mall on September 24, the Moon Festival, with its bespoke Rain Bamboo jewelry
           dumplings. Founded in the Qingdao coastal area along the Jiaodong Peninsula of   collection.
           Shandong province, Chuange sells 80 million fish dumplings a year. The most popular   Rain in spring is a symbol of hope, vitality and vigor. Bamboo has long symbolized noble
           include three flavors, cuttlefish, yellow croaker and squid.       literati. The silent spring mist and noble bamboo inspired elements of the design.
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