Page 10 - CHINA WORLD No65八月刊-210730-
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CHINA WORLD   AUGUST 2021 / 2021 年 8 月刊  10

                                                           赛诺根制药入驻国贸写字楼 1 座



                                                   SERAGON PHARMACEUTICALS ESTABLISHES

                                                                 ASIA-PACIFIC HEADQUARTERS

                                                                   IN CHINA WORLD OFFICE 1

           2021 年 6 月 3 日,赛诺根(中国)有限公司正式入驻国贸写字楼 1 座 4 层,
           赛诺根(中国)有限公司于 2020 年 12 月在北京注册,得到了所在地政府的大
           术及产品引入中国,与中国消费者共享人类医学进步的最新成就。                                      Seragon Pharmaceuticals became the first multinational company to establish its Asia-
           赛诺根制药有限公司是一家全球领先的创新药研发企业,总部位于美国生物技                                 Pacific headquarters in the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone (Beijing FTZ) on June
           术产业的核心地带――加利福尼亚州尔湾市,与强生、辉瑞、雅培、施贵宝、                                 3 when the innovative research-based biotechnology company moved into the fourth
           拜耳等全球顶级药企毗邻,并在瑞士巴塞尔、日本东京设有分支机构。                                    floor of China World Office 1.
           赛诺根制药在抗激素肿瘤药开发领域拥有全球领先的研发能力,同时,在人工                                 With plans for a comprehensive office complete with R&D center, sales and production,
           智能生物信息学、免疫代谢学、基因疗法等领域,赛诺根制药也具有强大的技                                 Seragon aims to introduce the latest life science technologies and products to Chinese
           术实力。                                                               consumers, and is developing game-changing therapies including tumor immunotherapy,
           自 2013 年创立以来,赛诺根制药已将业务拓展到制药、诊断、营养品、生物                              aging/metabolic regulation and artificial intelligence gene diagnosis.
           化工等多个领域,成为涵盖技术研发、产品生产、专利授权等多个方面的全球                                 Founded in 2013, Seragon is headquartered in Irvine, California, the heart of the US
           性创新药企,拥有第一流的研发技术人员,并具有世界最前沿水平的分子生物                                 biotechnology industry. As a global leading pharmaceutical enterprise, Seragon is equipped
           学和化学分析实验室和高性能人工智能计算中心等尖端设备。                                        with the world's most advanced molecular biology and chemical analysis laboratories,
           赛诺根制药当前专注于肿瘤免疫疗法、衰老及代谢调控、人工智能基因诊断等                                 high-performance artificial intelligence computing centers and cutting-edge equipment,
           三大领域,并已与美国哈佛大学医学院、梅奥医学中心等科研机构建立了紧密                                 joining the leagues of pharmaceutical behemoths like Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Abbott,
           的合作关系,在多个领域独家持有其核心专利,并即将实现产品转化。赛诺根                                 Squibb and Bayer.
           制药致力于将世界最前沿水平的医学技术,应用于肿瘤治疗、衰老抑制和基因                                 Beijing FTZ was launched in September 2020 and its international business service
           诊断方面,提升人类健康水平和生活质量。                                                section includes the Central Business District (CBD) in Chaoyang district.
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