Page 3 - CHINA WORLD No62五月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   MAY 2021 / 2021 年 5 月刊  03



                                                                                         MACKENZIE THORPE:

                                                                                         ALL FOR LOVE

                                                                                         Mackenzie Thorpe is a contract artist of Frogman Art Gallery. He was
                                                                                         born in the Middlesbrough industrial area of England, using painting as
           蛙人艺术代理的艺术家麦肯齐·索普,                                                             a bond to communicate with audiences.
           出生于英国的米德尔斯堡工业区,他                                                              During the Covid-19 pandemic in British, Mackenzie Thorpe knew
           热爱透过绘画建立与人交流的纽带。                                                              a story about a girl named Eloise. Her father had passed due to the
           疫情期间,麦肯齐·索普得知了一位名                                                             virus. He created a painting, “A Light in the Storm.” The yellow hearts
           叫 Eloise 的小女孩的故事。她的父亲                                                         represent in memory of the loved one, and two children hold hands to
           因为疫情去世,他便创作出了名为 A Light in the Storm 的作品:黄色的心代                     guard one of the yellow hearts. This cozy scene creates a warm environment around
           表着缅怀逝去的亲人,两名儿童手牵手守护着其中一颗心。柔和的画面让人心                                 audiences. This limitation edition work raised more than £20,000 to help local charity
           生温暖。这幅限量作品最后筹得了超过 20,000 英镑来帮助英国各地慈善组织。                            organizations overcome difficulties during the pandemic in the UK.
           麦肯齐·索普用孩童的视角看待世界,用自己的作品鼓舞着人们。他传达给我们                                Mackenzie Thorpe inspires audiences with his works and creates a pure world from
           的一个信息便是――爱与真诚终将战胜逆境。就像他说的那样:“我们哭,我们                                a child's perspective. He sent us a message from his art theory: Love and sincerity will
           笑,我们憧憬希望,我们忐忑恐惧,一切的一切,我们都为爱而拼尽全力。“如                                eventually overcome adversity. As he said, "We cry, we laugh, we look forward to hope,
           阁下亦对麦肯齐·索普的世界有所兴趣,那么我们将在蛙人艺术等待与您一同前                                we fear, all in all: we all do our best for love."
           往这段神奇旅程。                                                           If you are also interested in Mackenzie Thorpe's world, we will see you at Frogman Art
                SL4010 四层 L4, South Zone        (86-10) 8535 1829             Gallery to embark on the journey.
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