Page 17 - CHINA WORLD No58十二月刊-FINAL
P. 17

CHINA WORLD   DECEMBER 2020 / 2020 年 12 月刊  17

                                                                                                                        initiatives, including raising
                                                                                                                        hygiene measures, supplying
                                                                                                                        protective equipment to
                                                                                                                        our staff and rostering in
                                                                                                                        separate teams to minimise
                                                                                                                        cross exposure. We also
                                                                                                                        asked all of our staff if they
                                                                                                                        would like to move into
                                                                                                                        the hotel so they can feel
                                                                                                                        more comfortable and avoid
                                                                                                                        exposure during their daily
                                                                              Many of the initiatives were then adapted company-wide, with the introduction of the
                                                                              Shangri-La Cares program. The program reinforces our commitment to our guests and
                                                                              our distinctive Asian hospitality as we welcome guests back to our properties. We remain
                                                                              humble and true to our founding ethos - to do our utmost to take care of people.
                                                                              Once we ensured that all staff and guests were in a safe environment, we looked at new
                                                                              business opportunities. As our offline business dwindled quickly after the pandemic,
           在我们确保中国大饭店所有员工和客人都处于一个安全的环境中以后便开始寻找                                we found new ways to bring in revenue through culinary delights via numerous online
           新的商机。疫情爆发后,酒店线下业务受到影响,但是我们开发了多个线上美食                                platforms in China.
           新平台来提高营收。                                                          We adapted quickly to the changing landscape by offering old favourite dishes and even
           当我们迅速适应了环境的变化后,立即推出经典招牌菜品打包服务,还开创了“在                               pioneered “cook at home” packages. In addition, we used this time to refresh and renew
           家做饭”的半成品产品线。此外,我们还利用这段时间更新核心产品。夏宫中餐                                our core offerings.
           厅推出了新零点菜单和点心菜单,咖啡苑自助餐厅推出八大主题菜系,开启崭新                                After 30 years in operation, we created a new Summer Palace menu, honouring its
           美食之旅。与此同时中国大饭店还与伯爵 (PIAGET) 和玮致活 (Wedgwood) 合作                     past success and building on the new developments on the culinary side. We have also
           推出联名主题下午茶,与意大利奢侈品牌 GIADA 合作推出 GIADA 意大利餐厅                          launched new gourmet dining experiences, including co-branding themed afternoon
           (GIADA Garden),一家集奢侈品零售和餐饮于一体的新空间,将于今年12 月开业。                      tea with PIAGET and Wedgwood and a collaboration with Italian luxury brand GIADA to
           在疫情得到控制后,为了向抗击新型冠状肺炎的北京一线医务工作者致谢,中国                                launch the GIADA Club, a branded luxury retail and dining space, launched in October.
           一线抗疫医护人员专享礼遇活动,用实际行动向投身抗疫一线的白衣战士表达最                                4. What is a book, podcast, or media resource that you have recently
           崇高的敬意。                                                             read / listen to regularly that inspired/inspires you?
                                                                              The hospitality industry is all about people and coupled with my interest in social
           4、最近你经常读 / 听的书、播客或媒体资源中,有什么激励了你 / 正激励                              psychology, I would recommend the book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Nobel Laureate
           你的吗 ?                                                              Daniel Kahneman. It is a book that I have read and listened to numerous times because
           酒店行业是关于人的行业,加上我对社会心理学的兴趣,我个人推荐诺贝尔奖得                                it sets me on a path to discover more efficient and better ways of understanding both
           主丹尼尔·卡尼曼的书《思考,快与慢》。这本书我读过很多遍,因为它让我发现                               people and myself.
                                                                              5. What is the motto that you live by?
           5、你的人生座右铭是什么 ?                                                     “Treat people the way you would like to be treated.” I respect every job in the hospitality

             “待人如己。”我尊重酒店行业的每一个岗位,从房务岗位到管理岗位,对我来说,                            industry, from housekeeping to management. For me, everyone is the same and anyone
           每个人都是平等的,正如每个人都可以直接叫我的名字。                                          can call me by my first name.

                                                                              中国大饭店饼房厨师团队助力京东双 11

                                                                              中国大饭店饼房厨师团队在 72 小时内为京东双 11 定制 300 磅巨型庆贺蛋糕!
                                                                              300 ponds of cream cake prepared by China World Hotel Pastry Team for JingDong
                                                                              京东 Double 11 celebration takes about 72 hours to make!
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