Page 15 - CHINA WORLD No35 十一月刊-FINAL
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CHINA WORLD   NOVEMBER 2018 / 2018 年 11 月刊  15


                                          ENJOY NATURE, ENJOY

                                                   IMMERSION YOGA

           在这个日新月异的城市,每天都冒出很多稀奇古怪的新点子!比如在 10 月 20 日                          There’s something so refreshing about a day spent outside the city. Whether it’s hiking through
           这天,新国贸饭店打造一场沉浸式瑜伽体验活动,让宾客在溪水潺潺之音与森林                               a leafy trail or going for a dip in a secluded lake, as city-dwellers, we don’t get the chance to
           清新之气的陪伴下重回大自然的怀抱,感受瑜伽魅力。                                          go out into nature as much as we’d like. For our first Immersion Yoga session on October 20,
           那沉浸式瑜伽是什么呢?                                                       2018, we bought the relaxing nature vibes to Hotel Jen Beijing.
           沉浸式瑜伽是结合嗅觉、听觉、视觉、味觉及触觉于一体的新式瑜伽体验,通过                               What is Immersion Yoga?
           感官刺激,搭配蝉鸣、鸟叫、溪水潺潺的声音与森林、绿竹、青草依依的香气,                               Immersion yoga represents the whole-body immersion experience of your sense of smell,
           让你全身心沉浸在自然之中,真切的感受禅意。                                             hearing, sight, taste and touch. You will feel like you're in the forest. This is how we will present
           同时,新国贸饭店将自己的百变多功能厅打造为郁郁葱葱的森林,引入绿叶和绿                               the yoga experience.
           树环绕,搭配栩栩如生的火烈鸟及梅花鹿,并精心挑选了香薰,选取了淅淅蝉鸣                               For the workout session, we transformed Prototype’s event space into a lush forest. You could get
           和潺潺溪声,让你仿佛置身于大自然之中,我们还为瑜伽爱好者们准备了亲近肌                               to smell fresh forest air, hear chirping crickets and a babbling brook, see blooming trees and green
           肤的瑜伽垫,让身体真正的放松。                                                   leaves, touch your mat and feel connected to the rest of your body – not bad for not having to
           为了让宾客切身感受自然与瑜伽的魅力,我们的合作伙伴耐克邀请了专业的教练                               venture outside of the CBD.
           何耀辉、孙喜哲、王茜雯亲身示范,并时时纠正姿势,让沉浸式瑜伽更深层的锻                               In order to create a "forest" atmosphere, our partner Serene House fragrance will make you feel
           炼到五脏六腑。                                                           free in the forest via the smell of jasmine and the breath of pine wood.
           瑜伽过后新国贸饭店准备了清新润肺、自然健康的轻食和软饮,包括健康、美味的燕                             The class, led by a star instructor from Nike, captured all five of your senses. There were assistant
           麦小姐提供的燕麦、主打轻断食果蔬汁的 HeyJuice 提供的果汁、新锐茶品牌 PAPPS                     yoga instructors assigned to each platoon to let you have a better experience.
           TEA 提供的健康活茶菌和茶及主打营养的 83T 提供的豆乳,以助宾客补充能量。                          After the event, guests tasted a nutritious vegetarian meal with a full healthy spread of dishes. It
           此次活动恰逢女性健康月,我们在瑜伽活动中特意添加对女性健康有益的动作。                               included cereal from Miss Muesli, juice from Hey Juice, kombucha and tea from PAPPS TEA and
           新国贸饭店还邀请北京美中宜和妇儿医院的专家讲解健康知识,提高宾客的健康                               soy milk from 83T.
           意识。同时,新国贸饭店还准备了丰富的伴手礼,伴手礼包含施丹兰提供的手工                               October is the female care month. In addition to providing helpful yoga poses, Hotel Jen Beijing also
           香皂和木制皂托和 InNail 提供的代金券等等。                                         invited a doctor from Amcare to discuss female health care. The hotel prepared women’s gifts of
           沉浸式瑜伽活动是新国贸饭店首次推出的大型实景瑜伽体验,以呼吁在办公室久                               handmade soap and wooden soap holders from Stenders and manicure vouchers from InNail.
           坐的宾客、在喧嚣城市中奔波的宾客回归自然,感受自然,热爱自然,享受自然。                              This immersive yoga activity is the first live-yoga experience at Hotel Jen Beijing, inviting guests
           同时,我们也希望可以通过此次活动引起宾客对健康的重视,在即将到来的寒冬                               who are sitting in the office to get away from the hustle and bustle of the bustling city and get
           之际感受室内健身的乐趣,锁住能量,抵抗严寒。                                            back to nature – feel, love and enjoy nature.  At the same time, we also encourage guests to
           此次活动是沉浸式瑜伽的先例,未来,新国贸饭店还将继续砥砺前行,为宾客提                               take care of their health in the coming winter, to enjoy the pleasure of indoor fitness, lock in the
           供优质的服务和颇具创意与乐趣的活动,敬请期待!                                           energy and resist the cold weather.
                                                                             We will continue this yoga event and launch more different event. Please looking forward.
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