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          China WorldAug 2021 2021   8  月刊
             A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information   每月带给您中国国际贸易中心的最新讯息


                     遇见新奇 释放活力

                   SUMMER ARTVENTURE

                          @ CHINA WORLD

                                                                                               7 月 23 日至 8 月 20 日,国贸商城联合 CHEEZ
                                                                                               festival 推出「国贸仲夏奇遇季」公共艺术系列活动,
                                                                                               The Mall launches SUMMER ARTVENTURE with CHEEZ
                                                                                               festival on July 23, lasting until August 20. Bringing art,
                                                                                               gadgets, performances, drama and infinite energy into the
                                                                                               heart of the city. There’s no need to travel far to experience
                                                                                               the power of creativity and exploration.
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