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          China WorldNov 2020 2020   11  月刊
             A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information   每月带给您中国国际贸易中心的最新讯息

                                               国贸商城荣登“中国购物中心产业 30 年功勋企业”榜首
                                               CHINA WORLD TOPS LIST OF BEST MALLS IN CHINA OF PAST 3 DECADES

                                               2020 年 10 月 21 日,中购联中国购物中心国际             China World Mall ranked top on a list of China’s outstanding malls
                                               论坛第十八届年会暨 2020 亚洲购物中心发展合                 over the past three decades at the 18th Annual Conference and
                                               作大会在成都盛大召开。大会隆重发布“中国购                    International Forum of Malls in China & 2020 Asian Conference of
                                               物中心产业 30 年功勋企业榜单”,中国国际贸易                 Shopping Centers’ Development Cooperation in Chengdu on October
                                               中心、国贸商城作为中国首个城市商业综合体、                    21. As the first city commercial complex and shopping mall in China,
                                               购物中心,始终保持中国商业地产的地标地位,                    China World Trade Center and China World Mall ranked top as a
                                               位列榜单首位。国贸商城更获膺“中购联购物中                    landmark in China's commercial real estate industry. China World
                                               心行业 2020 年度城市服务推动奖”,表彰其对                 Mall also won the Mall China Golden Awards 2020 – Promotion of
                                               城市形象升级、社会发展、服务提升等方面做出                    City Services for its outstanding contribution to city upgrading, social
                                               的杰出贡献。                                   development and service improvement.

                                                心动节日 为爱而生

                                                          LOVE & LIVE

                                             IN THE FESTIVE SEASON

              2020 年 11 月 20 日至 2021 年 1 月 3 日,国贸中心将进入         Dazzling decorations, zestful illuminations and festive activities will
              一年一度的节日季。室内外灯饰丰富多彩,立意创新。中国                       energize the China World Trade Center complex from November 20
              大饭店、国贸大酒店、新国贸饭店推出各式节日大餐。国贸                       to January 3. China World Hotel, China World Hotel Summit Wing
              商城将推出“为爱而生”  互动展,将环保、艺术、公益主                      and Hotel Jen Beijing will offer special menus for the festive season.
              题相结合,妙趣横生。                                       Mall members will not want to miss out on the Points for Gifts
              国贸商城会员不要错过 11 月全月的“积分换礼”活动,                      promotion in November: just 5,000 points for a 50 yuan electronic
              5000 积分即可兑换 50 元电子礼金券;11 月 26 至 29 日更            gift voucher!In a November 26-29 festive promotion, those who
              将举办节日季联合促销活动:单日消费金额满千,返券价值                       spend over 1,000 yuan will be eligible for an e-coupon worth up to
              最高可达 200 元!                                      200 yuan!
              11 月 27 日,国贸商城将再次联手新华网,推出“来国贸                    The Love & Live interactive exhibition will be unveiled with the theme

              再发光”线上直播,呈现国货好物及节日季礼品。                           of ecology, art and charity. The Mall and Xinhuawang Douyin will
                                                               jointly livestream on November 27 to present hot picks and festive
              冰上嘉年华将于 12 月 12 日倾情呈现,节日季期间,每个
                                                               gifts. Le Cool ice rink will host a New Year Carnival on December 12.
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