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          China WorldOct 2018 2018   10月刊

             A monthly bulletin bringing you all the latest China World Trade Center news and information   每月带给您中国国际贸易中心的最新讯息


                                  TOGETHER A BETTER FUTURE



                                    & 34TH ANNIVERSARY OF CHINA WORLD TRADE CENTER

           “同向同行·共创未来”中国国际贸易中心纪念改革开放四十周年暨成立三十四                                A grand celebration of Together We Build A Better Future was held at China World
           周年大会于 2018 年 9 月 5 日在中国国际贸易中心隆重举行。                                 Trade Center on September 5 to commemorate not only the 40th anniversary of
           中国改革开放 40 年,春风化雨,改变了中国,影响并惠及了世界。“因改革开                              reform and opening, but also the 34th anniversary of the foundation of the China
           放而生,因改革开放而兴”的中国国际贸易中心一直紧跟改革开放的步伐砥砺前                                World Trade Center.
           行。国贸中心的建立是中国改革开放的一项重要举措。在过去三十多年间,尽管                                In speeches at the celebration, China World Trade Center Ltd. Chairwoman Gao Yan,
           新的竞争对手不断涌现,竞争形势日益严峻,作为商务服务业界的领头羊和排头                                China World Trade Center Co., Ltd. Chairman Lim Beng Chee and Beijing Chaoyang
           兵,国贸中心发扬敢为天下先的精神,勇立时代潮头,坚持创新发展,不断续写                                District Deputy Director Wen Xian reviewed 40 years of reform and opening from
           着“城中之城”的传奇故事。大会上,政府各级领导、国贸中心领导、客户代表                                their perspectives.
           和各界媒体共同见证了国贸中心三十多年的辉煌历程以及对未来的美好憧憬。                                 Gao noted that, as a leader in business and service circles, China World Trade Center
           大会首先播放了记录国贸中心发展历程的宣传片《足迹》,与在场嘉宾一同分享                                has been proud to play its key role in driving forward reform and opening. And, like a
           国贸中心成长壮大的每一个重要时刻。伴随着中国经济的快速发展,国贸中心秉                                spring breeze, 40 years of reform and opening has changed China and benefited the
           承与时俱进、开拓创新的发展理念,坚持以市场需求为导向,以促进企业良性发                                whole world.
           展为目的,实现了跨越式的发展。可以说,国贸中心是中国改革开放取得巨大成                                After sharing their insights into the splendid achievements of China and China World
           就的生动缩影和成功典范。                                                       Trade Center, all expressed high hopes and firm confidence for the future.
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